How Soon Can Results Show After Laser Psoriasis Treatments?
Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes raised, red, scaly areas to appear on the skin. When over-the-counter treatments like creams and ointments fail to control psoriasis symptoms, Limitless Me Wellness is proud to offer state-of-the-art laser treatments in Jacksonville, FL. Our Harmony XL PRO system is proven to provide a safe and effective solution.
Dr. Kia Mitchell can discuss the details of laser psoriasis treatment during a consultation at our office. Call now to see how you can benefit from this advanced medical procedure.
What does psoriasis feel like?
Psoriasis is the result of an overactive immune system attacking healthy skin cells. It can cause a rapid buildup of thick, scaly patches that vary in size and appear in areas like the hands, soles of the feet, elbows, knees, head, and back. The most common psoriasis symptoms include burning, itching, and stinging sensations that don't necessarily go away on their own.
Psoriasis patches may be light or dark pink to reddish-purple in color and often have sharply defined edges. They can flake off and cause a lot of discomfort. However, psoriasis does not have to be an ongoing issue – laser treatment can help reduce the appearance and frequency of these patches.
What is Harmony XL PRO?
Harmony XL PRO treatments are one of the most advanced laser therapies available for psoriasis. This innovative system uses powerful light-based energy to target and break down the overactive cells, so they don't cause redness or inflammation.
Limitless Me Wellness begins each laser psoriasis treatment with a personalized consultation in Jacksonville, FL. During this assessment, Dr. Mitchell will discuss the best course of action based on your health history and treatment goals. We then recommend a certain number of sessions to achieve your desired results.
How soon will I see results from psoriasis treatment?
Most people experience improvements in their complexion soon after their first session. The exact timeline depends on your psoriasis symptoms and skin type, but most patients report the best outcomes within several weeks.
Limitless Me Wellness will provide post-treatment care instructions, so you know how to care for your skin moving forward. We also schedule follow-up appointments as needed to help maintain your desired level of psoriasis control.
How to make the most of your laser treatment
Dr. Mitchell can provide comprehensive tips and advice for making the most of your psoriasis treatment with the Harmony XL PRO. Here are a few of our suggestions:
- Use gentle, chemical-free skin care products: Look for cleansers and moisturizers that are free from artificial fragrances, dyes, or preservatives.
- Avoid direct sunlight: UV radiation irritates your skin and increases the visibility of psoriasis patches. When outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen regularly.
- Keep your skin hydrated: Moisturize after every shower or bath and look for products that are specially formulated to help soothe psoriasis.
Reduce psoriasis symptoms with laser technology
There is no need to live with the discomfort of psoriasis. Our team at Limitless Me Wellness in Jacksonville, FL is here to help you find relief through the latest laser treatments. To learn more about Harmony XL PRO or schedule a consultation with Dr. Kia Mitchell, contact us today. We look forward to helping you achieve clearer, healthier skin through laser psoriasis treatment.